Today was lame cause we couldn't make it to the same class, and going to different classes is just not the same.
Grace couldn't do any of the standing poses today because every time she stood up she felt like she was going to faint. But she did all the floor poses, so that was good. She thinks she didn't drink enough water today.
She almost missed class because she was taking a nap. Whoops.
All of her workout clothes are dirty. ALL OF THEM. Literally.
She can almost stretch with her leg flat on the floor and her head touching that leg's knee. Woo hoo!
She reeeaaaalllllyyyyyy didn't want to go to class today. But she did! Five days in a row!
Kassy had to rush like crazy to make it to her class on time after work. But she made it! AND she had an awesome class, probably her best yet.
We decided to take pictures of our favorite pose, and this is the one we want to be able to do perfectly at the end of the 30 days. You make your leg a lamp post (or, ya know, just stand on one leg and lock your knee...making it a lamp post sounds cooler though) so Grace can't really do it well at all. Kassy is pretty good though. We don't know what it's called. We should probably figure that out.
We're not sore anymore! Woo hoo! cheater, that looks like a cheer leading pose. Admit it, in your past you were a cheer leader.