Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Sixteen And We Are Lean And Mean!

We're not really mean, we're very nice.  We're also not very lean...YET.  But we're getting there.
Notice the pattern of lying titles?  At least they rhyme nicely...

Grace's muscles are sore from running the half marathon...but she didn't take any arthritis medication today.  WOO HOO! Also, her left elbow is crazy sore so she can't do the half-locust pose (for those of you who don't do lie down on your stomach and put your entire arms under your body then raise your legs up.  It hurts your elbows. Lots and lots).  For those of you who don't know,  Grace has crazy looking hyper-flexible elbows (see picture for reference).  Ya know all those poses where you have to lock your elbows?  Grace totally doesn't.  BUT in her defense, she was told by a teacher that it was more important to have her arms by her head and palms glued together rather than elbows locked.  So ha!
Elbows not locked

Elbows locked

Kassy had an awesome yoga day! She made it to her favorite class of the day! The 6:30PM class. HECK YESSSS!!! Since she got there right in time she grabbed the last spot in class and it wasn't up against a wall this time! It was in the front row so she was able to do all the poses correctly.

50% sale off yoga clothes at Pure Bikram Yoga today!  WOOO HOOOO.  There is nothing better than yoga AND shopping at the same time!  Grace got a shirt.  Kassy was sad cause there were no size smalls left in anything but the shirt that Grace bought...All you yoga people, stop stealing Kassy's size smalls!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fifteen And We Are Seen....Back In Yoga!!!

Yea, yea, we know we copied yesterday's status kind of.  We don't care.  Fifteen is hard.

     You are my new BEST. FRIEND. EVER.
     Pasta and bread, be ready to be absolutely demolished.

So you know how Grace was limping like crazy?  Well, she figured she wouldn't really be able to do much of yoga at all today because her arthritis was so bad.  Grace was very, very, wrong.  It was her BEST DAY EVER.   She was amazed.  She thinks it's the carbs.  Really? you ask.  The day after running a half-marathon?  Shouldn't Grace be exhausted?  Why yes, yes she should be.  But apparently Bikram yoga is the most amazing thing this world has to offer.  She had her best day AND she is no longer limping like crazy OR in much pain.  Her hip feels completely better and her SI joints are feeling waaayyyyy better than they did before.  Bikram Yoga, Grace is in love.
To those of you have have arthritis - you need to try this.  Seriously.

Not only that, but Grace was super crazy energized and productive after class today.  Man oh man, this is amazing!

Things to note about Grace:
  • Grace needs new sports bras.  Lots of them.  There are just too many laundry days.
  • Grace can sweat like a river now! Wooo Hoooo!
  • Grace can stretch with her hands flat on the floor
  • Grace's brother in law (*cough* Jordan *cough*) laughed at her for not knowing that you need carbs to work out.  He is in big trouble!
  • You know that box of girl scout cookies from yesterday?  Practically gone.  Hey, they're carbs, right?  I NEED to eat them...

Oh hey, look who showed up at Yoga today....Kassy.  She has been MIA all weekend cause she went to visit her family in Laredo. But she's back!! Be excited!

Today's class was the most humid, smelliest class ever. (Kassy understands that this should not bother her because people are in there sweating and getting into awesome shape all day, but she is still not a fan.) When she put her towel over her yoga mat, sweat from a previous class got all over the edges of the towel that go over the mat. Gross! Lesson learned! Get a thinner towel that does not go over the mat. Enough ranting though, that is Grace's job!

Kassy had a good yoga class, even though it was a bit difficult to jump back in after being gone for three days, Nora pushed her to do her best. Kassy is now in full swing again ready for two-a-days starting tomorrow! (Except Thursday, which she will only be at the morning class, read below to see why.)

Things to note about Kassy:
  • Kassy&Grace will both be eating POLLO BOWLS from Taco Palenque cause Kassy is amazing and brought them from Laredo! (Kassy will not be eating hers tonight cause she accidentally left it in the fridge at work..boooo!)
  • Kassy LOVES Mexican food! She ate more this weekend than anyone ever should! She enjoyed herself very much, but yoga today was difficult!
  • Kassy's business cards came in today! They are so RAD! They are red,white and black with black edges. (Photos will be posted soon!)
  • Kassy will be showing some photos at an Art Show on Thursday. (Shameless Plug!) So if you are in the Austin area, its from 7pm-midnight at the United States Art Authority [2906 Fruth St. 78705].        
    • Tons of awesome bands and artists! Only $2 to get it in, and it goes The Revival Fund! [The Revival Fund provides temporary financial assistance to Austin-area musicians and their families in times of crisis to help them get back on their feet and making music again.]
  • Kassy had an AWESOME day and will be up and going for the 5:45AM yoga class soon.
  • Kassy gets more flexible by the day. Yay for Bikram Yoga! <3

Even though its day 15, we haven't taken 15 classes.  Here is the count:

Grace: 13 classes, but one of those was the really lame one where she left half-way through.  So 12.5.

Kassy: 11 Classes. (... insert disapproving look here...but be super excited when she catches up this week!!! :D )

(As of today, Grace is in the lead!)

oh two-a-days, you best be ready for us.  (Can you tell that is Grace's favorite phrase these days?)

Calling All Readers!

So...we know a lot of you reading this either do Bikram regularly or have never done it ever in your life.
We thought it might be cool to showcase some of you guys and what you're doing concerning yoga.  SO...if you send us a picture of yourself and some things about your yoga experiences we will totally give you your own honorary posts.  Do it.   You can send it to  Then you can tell all your friends to come look.

Examples of pictures to send:
      -You dripping in Sweat
     - You looking pretty and not sweaty
     - You doing some crazy awesome yoga pose
     - You doing some boring looking yoga pose
     - A picture of the massive amounts of girl scout cookies you have bought because they are amazing and you do yoga so you can eat all you want (don't worry - this has been done before *cough*)
     - Any random thing you want

Examples of things about yourself to write:
       - How long you have been doing yoga
       - Whether or not you are doing the 60 day challenge
      - Your most awesome yoga complete wipe out during the middle of class
      - Anything you want to whine about (Grace is really good at this one)
      - Your favorite Bikram positions/least favorite
      - Your accomplishments and failures
      - The funniest thing a teacher has ever said in class
      - How Bikram yoga makes you feel
      - If you are a teacher, how long you've been teaching and why you are doing it
      - Why you started doing Bikram yoga
      - If you did Bikram yoga and hated it, why, and if you changed your mind
      - If you have never done Bikram yoga but want to
      - Again, any random thing you want to write about

Also, you don't have to write all elegantly or can even just send bullet points of things  you want us to say and we will make you sound like you have A PhD in English from Harvard.  Cause, ya know, that's just how amazingly awesome at writing we are.

Sarah Ousley, Natalie, Kristin, B Lane, and all the rest of the people we personally know - you are required to do this.  And if you don't, we are gonna make up some crazy stories for you and make you sound ridiculous.  HA!  Now you have to.....

Do it, do it!  We want to showcase your stories too!!

Fourteen and Grace is seen....running the half-marathon.

Did you read that right?   Did whiny Grace ACTUALLY run a half marathon? Why yes, yes she did.  That's almost as unbelievable as Kassy being awake at 5:45, but it's true!  We promise!

Grace ran her first ever half- marathon in 3:01:58 with her wonderful Aunt Terry who came all the way down from Sherman, TX for the Austin Livestrong Marathon.  Grace has really bad arthritis and can barely walk.  She actually could barely walk around mile 9 - but she made it all the way to 13.1 miles and finished strong, running across the finish line (more like limp running, but we'll ignore that fact because none of you actually saw it happen so we can pretend she was sprinting across the finish line like a mad woman).

Evidential proof that Grace finished:
Also, because Grace just ran 13.1 miles, she bought the absolute best thing on Earth:

That's right people...thin mints.  See 'em and weep!
Also, Grace learned a very important thing from this marathon.  You know how she's been feeling faint for so many classes?  After eating a ton of carbohydrates the night before the marathon, she realized that she almost never eats carbs.  Eureka!  You need carbs if you're gonna be doing a lot of exercise.  So bread and pasta, you are Grace's new best friend.  Being awesome and not feeling faint in Bikram, here Grace comes.

Grace was totally gonna be amazing and both run a  half marathon AND go to yoga today, but then her arthritis kicked in and she was limping all over and she thought it might be a good idea to take a little rest.  She made best friend with an ice pack instead.  And then hung out in a hot tub for awhile.

Kassy drove home from Laredo last night super late after Grace had gone to bed (*cough* Grace is a wimp and fell asleep at 9 pm *cough*)  but because Grace had just ran the half marathon bought her THE BEST MEXICAN FAST FOOD EVER as a congratulations.  Grace could have kissed her.  

Yoga people on Monday - be prepared to see a limping Grace and a lot of making-up-to-do Kassy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unlucky Thirteen

Grace didn't go to yoga today.
Neither did Kassy.

Grace was sick - she had a fever last night and slept for 12 hours straight.  But today she feels fever.  She just is giving it a rest since she was sick yesterday and is running the half marathon tomorrow.
Be prepared for a lot of whining tomorrow about how 13.1 miles is just too many.  About 12.1 too many. Maybe 13.1 too many.
But, she is running it with her Aunt Terry who is awesome!  They are super excited.  We got our bib numbers today and it's gonna be super fun (unless, of course, Grace dies along the way or something).

Grace probably won't go to yoga tomorrow either, but she thinks running 13.1 miles is a pretty good excuse.  She's had to sit out for a lot of poses in too many classes.  But don't worry - she will make up these two missed days next week by doing a couple two-a-days.  And they will be AWESOME.  She is determined to not have to sit out for any poses this week.  Just wait, Bikram yoga, Grace WILL get the best of you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Twelve.....Days of Christmas???

NO!! Twelve days of YOGA!

Grace went to the 5:30PM class today. She had to leave class early. ACTUALLY LEAVE.  Let me tell you people, for those of you who don't know, you dont leave a Bikram yoga class. It's all quiet and hot and there are tons of people and you really really aren't supposed to leave.  Unless you're dying, maybe.  Why did she leave?  Cause she felt super super sick.  She felt fine all day.  She drank tonssss of water.  She even ate!  Not to mention that fact that she told herself "I'm gonna have an awesome yoga day today!" and ate a banana with peanut butter about an hour and a half before class to make sure she didn't feel like passing out.  It didn't work.  She thought she was gonna faint.  Then she thought she was going to throw up.  In short, Grace might be sick.  NOOOOOOOO!  (Also if Grace gets the flu she will whine about it like crazy on this blog so for your own sake's you oughtta start praying for her to get better...)  Also, she is going to bed at 8 pm.  THAT is just ridiculous.

Sad yoga day.

BUT Grace wants to make up the lost yoga class with a double day next week.  She might have to have a couple of depends how she feels tomorrow.  And she's running the Livestrong Half Marathon in Austin on Sunday we shall see.   Is a half marathon and yoga in the same day okay?  Grace doesn't want to die quite yet.

Don't start giving up on us beloved blog-readers!  Cross our hearts and hope to die we are going to go to yoga 30 times in 30 days.

Kassy is leaving to Laredo this weekend to photograph the WBCA festivities (if you don't know what this is google it! It's AWESOME! Martha Washington Parade, Carnival, Jalapeno Festival, etc.).

She stopped by Precision Camera on her way home from work to buy a replacement tripod. For those of you that don't know, Kassy is a just graduated from UT with a photography degree. HOOK 'EM!  :)

As she was on her way home she saw this awesome piece of art from the Lamar bridge and immediately made a U-TURN to pull over and photograph it. (This is when having a camera with her at all times works out realllly well! - Her new years resolution was to always have a camera with her! It's going awesome if you were wondering! :D  )

She did not make it to yoga today because of work/leaving out of town, but thought she would leave you with the photographs from today.

Also, she does intend to have two-a-days next week to make up for this weekend and last week's sick day. That should be fun! Be ready to read about one exhausted yoga-er!

MUCH LOVE!!!!! Have an AMAZING weekend!!!
(And if you don't, start your own blog so you can whine about it....highly recommended by Grace)

11:11.... Make a Wish!

Sorry loving followers!!! Our internet was down yesterday!!! But we're up and running again! :D

Grace doesn't really know why people wish at 11:11.  Kassy is all about it. (Grace's favorite time of the day is 12:34!).  It's the only thing we could think of for day 11 that was relatively okay...Eleven is Heaven was just too obvious...Seven Eleven didn't make sense.  Creative Genius, where you be?!

Grace's wish is that she got more sleep.  She's tired.  Exhausted.  She fell asleep on the bus.  She fell asleep in drawing class.  She almost fell asleep standing up waiting in line for coffee.  She fell asleep on the bus again.   Coffee did not wake Grace up.  Isn't that the whole purpose of coffee?!  She is MAD.  Again.  Probably she's just cranky cause she doesn't get any sleep.   Okay, okay, enough whining (but only for now...expect it to start again after like 3 sentences...).  

Grace went in at 5:45 am today.  Grace is ridiculous?  Grace is dedicated?  Grace can't make it at any other time in the day? Grace is whiny?  Grace is the coolest person to ever walk on this planet?  All apply.

Kassy’s intention was to go to the 5:45AM yoga class today, but woke up shivering and drenched in sweat. She thought for sure she was going to get really sick and decided to sleep in. 

She woke up for work, showered and arrived on time, feeling much better than earlier. She had a great day at work and went to the 6:30PM class. Since she drove straight from work, she realized that she forgot a hair band. Luckily one of the girls in the locker room had an extra one. (People are so nice sometimes!!)

She also forgot her Gatorade, but this time she was equipped with cash so she went to purchase one. Jen/Jenn(if you read this tell me how you spell your name please :D ) was working the front desk, and she knew Kassy from the blog (how rad is that!!!!). She was super nice and explained how opening an account works. Kassy purchased her Gatorade, left the change in her account, and walked into class.

Surprisingly, the class wasn’t as jam packed as the previous 6:30PM class Kassy attended. She was lucky and got the best spot in the house (look below to see what that spot is). Nora, her awesome first yoga instructor, taught the class today.

Things Kassy has learned about yoga so far:
1.       The 6:30PM class is her favorite, despite the fact that is impossible to find parking!
2.       She is wayyyy happier and more flexible at 6:30PM than 5:45AM.
3.       The best spot in yoga class is second row under a fan J
4.       Right when you think you’re giving 100%, push a little more. 

Sorry no pics today guys!! Much LOVE! 
-Kassy&Grace <3